Repair your foundation the Superior way.

Backed by our hassle-free, lifetime warranty.
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Excellent quality and service

What makes Superior foundations better?

Superior Foundation Repair wants you to have the very best and most secure foundation possible. That’s why we have a chosen to specialize exclusively in foundation repair using the latest in steel pier systems. At Superior Foundation Repair, our goal is to provide you with a Superior one-time solution to your foundation problems.

Learn more about the steel-pier method
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Backed by our
Lifetime Warranty

What causes problems in the foundation?

Expansive Soils

Soils with high clay content, or expansive soils, swell with moisture then shrink when dry. This means a house’s foundation rises and falls depending on the amount of moisture in the soil.

Plumbing Leaks

Water leaks from showers, sinks, bathtubs, and toilets can occur under the slab or pier and beam foundation. Leaks may be invisible while causing serious foundation problems much the same as the problems caused by inadequate drainage.

Inadequate Drainage

Homes and businesses affected by inadequate drainage are those that were not constructed on an elevation that drains water away from the building and buildings that lack proper gutters and downspouts.

Poor Construction

The foundation may be too thin, lack sufficient support, reinforcing metal framework may be inadequate, or concrete may not have been properly cured. All of which contribute to an unstable foundation.

Locally owned and operated

Why should I trust Superior?

Superior Foundation Repair is an Austin owned foundation repair and house leveling company serving the Central Texas region. With over three generations of experience using our unique, steel pier foundation leveling method, we understand the nature of Central Texas soils and the best way to counteract the constant shrinking and swelling to eliminate damage to existing structural foundations.

Learn more about Superior Foundation Repair
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Take their word for it

What our customers have to say.

“I've used superior as my foundation Contactor on multiple occasions and believe these guys by far the best foundation repair specialists in Austin. Scott is fast, knowledgeable and overall great person to work with that I always trust.”

Roman P.
Austin, TX

“We had two duplexes lifted. Superior did a wonderful job! Their prices were the best. All the guys on the job were wonderful. After the job was done you could hardly tell they had been there. I give them 5 stars and would definitely recommend them to anyone!”

Sara R.
Austin, TX

“Superior Foundation provided excellent service. The crew leveled the house in one day, getting our house to meet our engineer's specification. We're confident that our house repair will last a lifetime. Thanks Superior!”

Stephen B.
Round Rock, TX